Monadnock Music

Help us raise $60K for our 60th Anniversary!

We are raising $60,000 to help grow our audiences as we hit our 60 year mark!

The programming we bring to the region is spectacular... so we want to explore new ways of reaching more people! Please give a special gift this year towards our Anniversary Fund.

Already a member? This year, we are asking members to DOUBLE their gift (simply renew your membership in the usual way, then enter the same amount as your membership in the "other" field when you donate). Your additional gift will go towards our $60K Anniversary Fund while your usual membership goes to support our free chamber music and education programming.

Supported by:

Arthur Getz Trust David N V Taylor Frederick Smyth Institute of Music Grimshaw Gudewicz Charitable Foundation James Burgess Boote Fund The Memton Fund New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Penates and our Members